README.TXT for HOMEBAR.ZIP HOMEBAR.ZIP contains: BAR.EXE-This is executable Home Bartender file. DRECIPE.DAT-This file contains over 100 drink recipes. Installation: Create a directory for the two files. Example: C:\>MD HOMEBAR Copy HOMEBAR.ZIP to your new directory. Example: C:\>copy c:\cserve\download\ c:\homebar Unzip HOMEBAR.ZIP in its place. Example: C:\>unzip c:\homebar\ c:\homebar Note: Do not delete HOMEBAR.ZIP from the download directory until installation is complete and the application is working. Using BAR.EXE Title Page: This screen gives credit and a neat picture of some red drink with bubbles in it. Press any key to continue to the main menu. Main Menu: 1. Enter inventory: This screen lets you select the liquers and mixers that you have. This will allow you to use selection 3 from the main menu. Every time you make this selection the old ingrediants selected are deleted. 2. Whats in a: From this screen you can enter the name of a drink and view the complete recipe for it, if it is in the DRECIPE.DAT file. Use Backspace to correct spelling errors. Pressing Return with a recipe on the screen stores the recipe in a file named DRINKS.TXT for you to view or print after using the Home Bartender. 3. What can I Make: This option will show you drink recipes that you can make using the ingrediants you entered in during menu selection number 1. You must do the Enter inventory option before the What can I make option. Pressing Return from a screen with a recipe on it stores that recipe in a file named DRINKS.TXT for your later use. Press Escape from a recipe screen to return to the main menu. Any other key will take you to the next recipe. 4. Exit Return to the DOS prompt. NOTE: Every time you run the Home Bartender the file DRINKS.TXT is deleted and re-created. If you want to save this file after an execution of the Home Bartender rename the DRINK.TXT file. Example: C:\HOMEBAR>ren DRINK.TXT NEWNAME.TXT Where NEWNAME.TXT represents the new file name for DRINK.TXT.